Evangelism – Fighting the Feeling of Being Inadequate
Ed Stetzer said:
“Many Christians love evangelism as long as some else is doing it.”
How true this is for the majority of believers!
Here are a couple of reasons why I believe this is the case:
The vast majority of believers have a deep desire for people to have a relationship with Jesus. Though we may not be active in our witness, we know that so many are lost and there is a real longing to see people come to Christ. Believers truly do rejoice when someone comes from darkness into light!
We often think that we are really inadequate. We feel we don’t know enough or maybe aren’t articulate enough. Maybe they will ask us a question and we will be embarrassed we don’t know the answer. These are all valid feelings. We then shift that responsibility to someone we think more qualified. “Let the Pastor speak to them or my friend who has the gift of evangelism.”
Ironically it is the feeling of inadequacy that qualifies us to be effective witnesses.
Having been on countless mission trips to New York City, it is amazing and thrilling to see how God uses ordinary lay folk who are just being obedient. It is often the professional clergy that struggles! I believe God best uses “inadequate” people that are simply dependent on Him! While it may be true that we love evangelism when some else is doing it, we will love it more and love Jesus and others more when we steadily, graciously, and prayerfully make evangelism a part of our lives.
First, begin with the things that are natural to you: inviting someone over for a meal, sending a card or text of encouragement in these times of the Pandemic, or meeting a friend for coffee or a walk. Next, take small steps in areas where you may not be as comfortable: Take an evangelism training course, go on a mission trip, and always have gospel booklets to send to someone, leave with a server at a restaurant (leave a generous tip!), or give to a worker, cashier, or salesperson.
We all struggle to be a witness.
God knows our frame and He promises to be with us. He knows we will have greater joy by sharing this good news. Maybe it would be better to say: “We all love evangelism when we are doing it!”