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Little is Much When God Is in It

Many years ago a song was written entitled “Little Is Much When God Is in It“. 

What a simple, but profound truth! 

The God who rules all, knows all, and sees all, is working everything out for His glory and our good. The little things done in His name can have amazing ramifications for His kingdom. The kind word, the invitation to your home, the thank you note, the gospel booklet left with your waitress, or the encouraging text – are all “little things” that most people will never see. But God can use these seemingly “little things” for the advancing of His kingdom. 

Michael Green (Evangelism Through the Local Church) recounts how God did exactly that in the following story: “The Korean church, which is such a model in the Christian world today, was founded through an intrepid Welshman who went out there armed with tracks written in the Korean language, of which he knew not a word! He was promptly martyred, but not before he had scattered his tracks at the feet of his executioners. One of them picked some of the tracks up and used them as decorations in his house. The inevitable happened! Those tracks brought first one and then another to Christ, and so the Korean church was born.”

A handful of tracks and a faithful witness were the seeds of the great Korean church!

Let’s all be conscious this week of doing “little things” for the advancement of the gospel. As with the Welshman, it may not be until eternity until we realize how “much” God accomplished through our “little things.”


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