Come to nyc16!
Come to nyc16 and Make Gospel Everywhere Your Everyday Mission
Sharing the beauty of God’s Story is central to our Christian faith. Our Gospel Everywhere vision is for all people everywhere to have access to the beauty of God’s Story. That happens as friends and partners like you make Gospel Everywhere your everyday mission.
And that’s exactly what we do each year at nyc. This weeklong missions experience advances our Gospel Everywhere vision by uniquely combining in-depth training with hands-on ministry to equip Christians for a lifetime of loving, confident Gospel witness. Vast multi-cultural encounters in New York City provide unparalleled opportunities for demonstrating the love of Jesus.
Each year, this missions experience dramatically changes lives. Thousands of lives are changed as people receive ministry, prayer, and rescue in Jesus. You don’t want to miss it!
Register now for nyc16 July 17–23!
We urge you to pray about attending and then inviting your family, friends, and church to join you. Visit for nyc16 rates, details, and registration.
Make Gospel Everywhere your everyday mission—join us for nyc16!