Hope Sent to the Middle East Rescued a Friend Just in Time
Your steady giving makes the Gospel available for free through our groundbreaking Gospel-sharing tools. This maximizes the Gospel reach of countless people around the world, including Eric Weber from Iowa. Eric discovered Spread Truth just a few months ago, but his impact for the Gospel has already gone through the roof!
After registering for a free ViewTheStory.com account, Eric shared the link of The Story Short Film with as many as he could—some 500 people! Then Eric watched his stats climb as person after person clicked on his invitation link to The Story. It took only three days for his newly created account to go from zero to 287 views—and today, views have reached 560.
These numbers are exciting, but not as exciting as the news Eric got from a friend who received one of those invites. This friend serves in the military and is stationed in Kuwait. Sadly, many of this serviceman’s friends have died in the war, and on this particular day, he was feeling alone, discouraged, and hopeless. He decided suicide was the only solution. But then Eric’s message arrived, and he felt compelled to click the link. The beauty and hope of rescue and restoration in Christ swept over this man’s heart and soul as he watched The Story Short Film, and he yielded his life to God. Then he shared the whole story with Eric, who exclaims:
“Due to this six-minute video, my friend in Kuwait is alive today. He was ready to take his life, and now he’s ready to LIVE it!”

Thank you for giving so Gospel tools and solutions can be created and deployed through Spread Truth to dramatically change lives around the world. You are making a tremendous difference in making Gospel Everywhere a reality!