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Why would you download an app to share the gospel?

In a world of Google searches and thousands of resources at your fingertips, what does The Story App do that the Internet can’t? 

A few months ago, while returning from a trip with a colleague in the ministry, we found ourselves in an Uber driven by Amir, a man originally from Azerbaijan. We started up a conversation, and my friend shared in English the story of how he came to faith in Jesus from Islam. I opened The Story App on my phone, and before the ride was over, I sent Amir the Tamil translation of The Story film from the simple drop-down translation choice on the app. In our short drive to the airport, he had an English conversation with two Christians and now had a follow-up short film about the gospel in his heart language.  

Multilingual interactions like mine are increasingly common, especially in larger cities. If you travel internationally or have a ministry overseas, you’ll meet many people who speak multiple languages. So when I consider the question, “What can The Story App do that the Internet can’t?” I have some immediate answers! 

The Story App can help you share the gospel in English and 27 other languages–and, like my conversation with Amir, maybe even a combination! You don’t have to do a Google search or vet a new resource to find the languages you need. You’ll already have everything you need on The Story App–and you can download this FREE app RIGHT NOW! 

But there’s more! Let’s say you have the opportunity to talk someone through the gospel. The Story App allows you to swipe through the four main parts of the overarching story of the gospel–Creation, The Fall, Rescue, and Restoration. It provides supporting Scripture and even conversation questions. This simple tool will help the person you’re talking to follow along and will help you stay on track. 


Here’s the thing: The Story App is totally FREE! There are no ads and no subscriptions. Our highest goal is to get gospel-sharing tools into YOUR hands so that you can confidently and easily share the hope of your salvation. You can find the link in the description to download today

Join me in sharing the greatest story ever told!  


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