Sports Outreaches
Our partnership with the Kenyan government began with the very first Sportsfest in 2018 which culminated in the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in September 2019. Since then, our sports outreaches have been well-attended and effective!
Spread Truth Africa hosts sports outreaches at least three times yearly, holding basketball, soccer, and volleyball tournaments. Awards ceremonies are held at the end to celebrate the teams and their effort! While the sporting events may take center stage, we do so much more at these events! We also hold youth clinics, and have time set aside for clear evangelism, Kikao, and kitting. The young people who attend are usually between 18 and 30 years old.
Our team splits up into groups to handle media, evangelism, administration, and volunteers, as well as operations/programs coordination. During each event, we deploy volunteers to share the gospel with The Story booklets, bracelets, and soccer balls, and to share our discipleship booklet with new believers.

FGM Initiative
This initiative is a holistic ministry. It includes a gospel-based, psycho-social curriculum, What is a Little Girl Worth? that has been presented in schools and rescue centers since the summer of 2021. So far, the curriculum has been used to train a total of 774 young girls and women. 530 in Kajiado County and 244 in Kerio Valley. We have now reached 3 counties out of the 22 counties we look to reach with the curriculum in the fight against FGM in Kenya.
This fight against FGM didn’t begin with our ministry, though. It began during a church plant Mission, in a small village in Kajiado County called Nemayiana, when a young girl named Nadupoi approached one of our staff and asked if we were helping girls who were undergoing FGM. This took us aback since we had not encountered FGM before except from media platforms.
This led to us taking the initiative to investigate the matter and we realized that FGM was still quite a big deal among the Maasai community including church-going Christians. We felt inclined to find a Godly way to intervene in trying to solve the societal menace that was slowly eating away at these Maasai girls.
That is when we involved the Spread Truth US team and as God led, the idea of an FGM Survivor Curriculum was birthed to try to help in the healing process of the affected girls. The African team conducted extensive field research on the topic while the US team worked on the editorial piece.
By the grace of God and teamwork from both the US and the African team, the first ever in Kenya, FGM Survivor Curriculum “What is A Little Girl Worth” was launched. The Curriculum was vetted and endorsed by the Kenya Anti-FGM Board, to be used for teaching and training young girls in the 22 counties prone to FGM.
Now, we have two teachers. Ms. Vanessa Dorcas, head of administration and women affairs and in charge of the FGM Program. Phoro Catherine, head of communications and advocacy, who plays a supportive role in teaching, assists her.

Stay up to date on how God is working in amazing ways through our blog
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International Day of Zero Tolerance For FGM
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